Gambling Digital Marketing Packages in Nigeria

Sports betting, lotteries, raffles, casino games, fantasy sports, bingo, poker, skill game tournaments and sweepstakes are highly censored by governments and marketed differently from any other product and service out there. Therefore, AdHang created special digital marketing packages that help your platform to excel without any hindrance.  

AdHang as a world-leading gambling digital marketing agency has helped numerous casino companies, lotto operators, and sports betting brands to create awareness, introduce their offers to bettors, get sign-ups and increase revenues.

 Listed below are AdHang’s 9 gambling marketing packages created just for you, what they entail, and examples of gambling companies using them:

Package One

Content Marketing & SEO (search engine optimization)

These include:

  1. A press release will be written and published on 100 news sites and portals all linking back to your betting and casino website.
  2. Three betting and game promotional contents will be written and published on a total of 10 online forums/communities.
  3. Write and publish 15 articles recommending your company on,, and 5 each. The 15 articles will be about betting, casino, gaming, and upcoming sports previews and matches all linking back to your website and asking readers to bet on your website.
  4. Search engine optimization (SEO) to rank your betting website and its pages on top 10 in search engines – maximum of 6 pages and about 30 keywords/phrases on strategic keywords, e.g., betting site in Kenya, Casino playing site in South Africa, Sports betting site in Uganda, Ghana poker company, etc.
  5. Build 600 backlinks from different sources linking to your 6 pages, and build another 1, 800 backlinks to the 600 backlinks.
  6. Write SEO-focused titles and descriptions in these 6 pages where necessary.
  7. Design a sports betting infographic containing your betting company name, your website address, sportsbook info, etc., and upload it on 70 sharing sites, e.g.,,,, etc.
  8. Write educative sports betting and casinos related 8 blog posts on your blog (optional), or external blogs and linking to your betting pages permanently.
  9. Manage all the content marketing and SEO campaigns all over the place.

Cost: $2, 990 a month (Nigeria’s currency Naira is also accepted). However, all the contents, articles, and press release in all the above places will be online permanently working for you.

Objectives to achieve with this sportsbook digital marketing package: awareness, better online presence, top 10 Ranking in big search engines, and recommendations from multiple online sources permanently.

A few examples of campaigns from this package AdHang did for and, etc., with links:

Package Two

Sportsbook Bulk Email Campaign

AdHang charges $0.0052 per email, which the agency can send to one million recipients monthly, which will be $5, 242. You can even send to 100, 000 recipients, that is $524, monthly, depending on your budget, we can send lesser.

The sports betting bulk email includes:

  • Write a compelling email or use your own text
  • Design an HTML sports betting email template that will include text, images, your social media, and video links, just as needed
  • AdHang will send a sample email template to your email, after getting your confirmation, then we would send the bulk email to prospects
  • Deliver all the emails at a specific period, e.g., weekly/monthly, and send you screenshots or photos of each step as proof of sending the emails
  • The emails will be sent with your company name, your email as sender email address, and reply email address

The target audience:  income earners, online shoppers, and students mostly youths, etc.

Objectives to achieve – at least, awareness will be created, and/or bettors visiting the betting website; at the best, people will register, bet,  recommend or save/bookmark to visit the site later.

Here is one of the Bet9ja emails.

Sportsbook bulk-email marketing package

Package Three

Casino/Slot/Game Analysis & Publication Across the Internet

In this package, AdHang reviews/analyzes each casino game or lottery with a minimum of 1000 words and publishes the review/analysis on 50 places online, comprising Blogs, Online communities, News portals, File sharing sites, etc, with active links to your website and the casino game. These publications will remain in their respective digital channels permanently.  Each game/lotto review and publication on 50 websites costs $999 only.

Objectives to achieve: educating prospects and users, fostering trust and confidence in the bettors, and the publications will remain in the respective places permanently.

Some examples of work AdHang did for with links:

Package Four

Gambling Internet Banner Advertising

In this package, AdHang creates headlines/advert copies, designs attractive 5 internet banners in different sizes, and rotating them every minute on 6 websites below:

  1. ( banners rotate inside all news in this news site).
  2. ( banners rotate inside all posts in this sports site).
  3. ( banners rotate inside all posts in this news site).
  4. ( banners rotate inside all threads and sections in this forum).
  5. ( banners rotate inside all posts in this blog).
  6. ( banners rotate in the users homepage, photo, blog posts, and video sections in this social networking site).

Cost: $355 monthly (Nigeria’s currency Naira is also accepted) .

Objectives to achieve: 10 million+ impressions (impressions are the number of times users see the advertising banners), brand awareness, prospects reminder, and traffics to your platform.

Example of betting banners advertising AdHang manages:

Casino advertising agency in Africa

Package Five

Sportsbook Influencers Marketing

With this package, 15 micro/nano influencers (with followers/friends between 1k to 230k) will work for your sports betting company through social media sites and the handles they own.

Cost: $378 per post.

Objectives to achieve: awareness, creating brand trust, and fostering punters’ confidence to bet on your platform.

Package Six

Sportsbook Bulk SMS

AdHang charges $0.021 per page (160 characters).

The agency will receive a text message from you or construct one and send it to millions of prospects to lure them to bet on your betting site.

Objectives to achieve: awareness, prospects/bettors reminder, and possibly traffic.

Package Seven

Email Template Design

In this package, AdHang creates a custom email template/landing page that is responsive across devices bettors use, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops. AdHang’s experts code the template using best practices that improve Inbox email delivery. Also, AdHang team writes accompanying promotional email-copywriting that sells your platform and encourages signups, betting, etc.

Cost: $155.

Objectives to achieve: Brand assets for campaigns, combined brand elements (logo, color, name, etc), and when in use increases signups/betting, fosters brand consistency, and recognition.

Email templates AdHang did recently:

Email Design Template Screenshot
Game Email Designer Template

Email template designers in Africa
Newsletter page designing company in Africa

Package Eight

Betting Social Media Account Management

Social media account management ( non-sponsored ads): $272 monthly.

This includes:

  • Managing a maximum of two social media accounts (Twitter and Facebook).
  • Monitoring the page(s)
  • Deleting spam
  • Editing
  • Writing different 100 words and posting 8 times in a month
  • Full social media page’s optimizations with all necessary features
  • AdHang can create social media accounts if not yet created
  • Social media optimization (SMO)

Work time table: Monitoring the pages daily, writing different 100 words, and posting 2 times in a week; i.e., 8 times monthly.

Objectives to achieve: social media presence and visibility, source of brand interaction with bettors and prospects, and establishing brand trust.

Package Nine

Gambling Sponsored Guest Post

  1. Sponsored guest post costs $274 and the article/PR will be permanent on the Africa’s community site.
  2. Sponsored guest post costs $137 and the article/PR will be permanent on the news site.
  3. Sponsored guest post costs $99 and the article/PR will be permanent on the site.
  4. Sponsored guest post costs $50 and the article/PR will be permanent on the forum site.
  5. Sponsored guest post costs $99 and the article/PR will be permanent on the blog site.
  6. Sponsored guest post costs $199 and the article/PR will be permanent on the blog site.
  7. Sponsored guest post costs $50 and the article/PR will be permanent on the social networking site.

All links are do-follow. Being a sponsored article/PR, you put links as much as it makes sense.

Objectives to achieve with these sponsored guest posts: awareness, better online presence, permanent backlinks, social proof, etc.

Examples of campaigns from this package AdHang did for and GameStar with links:

Above packages are recommended to boost your betting company in the industry as other gambling companies are already employing all these. You can select the packages that suit your betting company; of course, for aggressive marketing, AdHang recommends going for all the packages and the agency can seamlessly manage all.  

Total Cost of Sports Betting/Lotto Digital Marketing Recommendation

Below is AdHang’s total budget recommendation based on 15k average monthly Digital Marketing spending in the industry:

  1. SEO and content marketing = $2, 990.
  2. One million email campaign = $5, 242.
  3. Guest post = $709.
  4. Two game analysis = $1, 998.
  5. Banner advertising = $355.
  6. Fifteen Influencers posting 4 times a month = $1, 512.
  7. Two hundred thousand Sportsbook Bulk SMS = $4, 200.
  8. Non-sponsored ads, Twitter and Facebook account management = $272.

Total $17, 278 monthly (Nigeria’s currency Naira is also accepted in all packages).

To get AdHang team started, please use the form below to contact the agency.


Why Choose AdHang for Gambling Marketing

  • Years of experience marketing highly censored products like Gambling
  • AdHang has transparent Sports betting packages to choose from
  • AdHang has Sports betting marketing veterans to market your sportsbook
  • AdHang is well known in Sports betting and casino advertising globally
  • AdHang markets Sports betting using gambling promotion best practices and standards
  • With AdHang your betting brand and company will be well promoted to foster trust
  • AdHang’s Sports betting packages will increase your betting site popularity, traffics, and revenues

Amateur Sports betting marketers kill trust, and drill revenues; therefore, hire top Sports betting marketing company with 15+ years of experience managing brands.