Digital Marketing Strategies for Forklift Dealers in Nigeria

If you’re reading this article, it’s highly likely you’ve been scouring the internet looking for forklift dealers digital marketing guide to promote your forklift business in Nigeria. The aim of digital marketing or any form of marketing is to reach a wider audience that is interested in your products and to successfully convince a good number of them to buy from you. To do this, you have to first define the audience and then devise marketing strategies that are targeted to these particular audience demographics. For example, as a forklift dealer in Nigeria, the kind of audience you’re probably looking at is construction firms that require use of forklifts.  There are several digital marketing strategies you can use to promote your forklift business in Nigeria.

 From search display advertisement to email marketing, we have done the research for you and in this article; we bring you a step-by-step guide on digital marketing strategies for forklift dealers in Nigeria.


  1. Search engine marketing(SEM)
  2. Content marketing
  3. Email marketing
  4. Mobile marketing
  5. Forum marketing

1. SEM

Search engine marketing is a type of advertisement where you pay to get noticed online by search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing by paying for your ads to come up on the first page of search engines. You set up an ad campaign using Google ads and you are only billed when prospects click on your ads on the search engines.

To be successful in Search Engine Marketing strategies you need to first create an SEM plan.

Here are a few points to remember while creating Search Engine Marketing strategies.

  • Who is your target audience? Do a research and find out who actually wants to visit your site before you delve into your plan.
  • Define your goals. What is your target and through which means you are going to achieve the target? How many customers would you like to reach? What would success look like for you in your marketing goals?
  • Get ready with the tools for SEM. For example, Keyword analysis tool will help you in finding out the keywords which will work best for your business. What are people looking for forklift dealers in Nigeria going to type into search engines. You can use several keyword tools online to find out what keywords are more likely to be used by your prospective customers
  • Test your keywords frequently to be sure they are not outdated
  • Track your site performance using a tracking software

Sponsored Search Advertising is the best way to get clicks through Search Engine Marketing strategies. Grabbing the attention of the customers is important.  Your ad should stand out and catch the interest of the customers from the first line. What you want to do is oversell a product or talk more about the features of the product. Sponsored Search is probably one of the easiest and fastest digital marketing strategies for forklift dealers in Nigeria who are looking to launch their business online in the shortest possible time.


This requires creating articles in the form of high quality videos, podcasts, blogposts and EBooks and posting these articles online as guest posts on high traffic websites. The aim of content marketing is to teach or educate your target audience about some specific information they may be looking for online. This is not strictly promotional as you don’t intend to pitch sales to them directly. You are selling indirectly by regularly providing them useful information on your articles. ‘How to articles’ for your customers in Nigeria on maintenance of forklifts are a good way to promote your business by becoming more relevant through content marketing and getting your prospects to trust your brand. Content marketing also serves the purpose of providing useful backlinks for SEO as these articles on other websites all link back to your website.


Email advertising is a type of targeted marketing performed by email whereby the recipient may or may not have given prior consent to receive promotional messages from your brand. In an ideal situation, the recipient should have given prior consent to receive mails from your business.  Bombarding someone with mails without their consent could actually be counterproductive to what you want to achieve.

One good way of getting clients to opt-in to receive emails is by displaying pop-up ads on your website or blog seeking permission to send viewers newsletters and other promotional email messages for your brands.

That is not to say that cold-pitching by emails do not have a role to play in your digital marketing campaigns. When you send a mail to a prospect who doesn’t know you and has never engaged with your brand(cold-pitching) the chances of them opening and reading the mail depends on how well you’ve been able to craft the subject of the email to capture their interest.

The good thing about email marketing is that it’s an inbound form of digital marketing where you are focused on a likely prospect who has indicated interest in your brand by signing up to receive mails from you.  You can now channel your promotional pitch to this particular target and have a one on one conversation with them via email.


Almost everybody you know owns a smartphone. What better way to reach your target audience than through a device they use as much as 70% of the time. Using specific SMS campaigns that are targeted at customers looking for forklift dealers in Nigeria is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies for forklift dealers in Nigeria. You can build an SMS list by getting customers to fill a form on your website landing page in Nigeria that asks for their phone numbers and other details.


In this kind of digital marketing, you pitch to forums that are likely to have members that require your services,  an online African forum that allows sponsored posts, press releases, and rotating online banner advertisements. Anyone logging onto this site sees your advertisement and if interested in your services clicks on the advert and it directs them to a page on your website where you want them to take a particular action.

All of these forms of marketing require strategic planning and patience and you need to setup certain parameters that would enable you to monitor the success of your campaigns.

At we believe that anyone can do digital marketing but why waste all that time and effort you could be putting into something else when you could hire dedicated professionals. To get your digital marketing for your forklift company done right, CLICK HERE TO VIEW OUR MARKETING PACKAGES.