The Dos and Don'ts of Press Release Distribution

To this day, press releases remain a powerful tool for earning media coverage and amplifying major announcements. However, simply blasting releases without any particular strategy is all manners of ineffective. There are specific best practices that set good press releases apart from those that get ignored. In this post, we’ll explore concrete dos and don’ts for optimizing your press release distribution. From hooks to visuals to calls-to-action, we’ll look at how to craft compelling releases that capture attention. You’ll also learn key mistakes like hyperbolic language and poor targeting to avoid. Follow these press release guidelines to cut through the noise in journalists’ inboxes and secure placements that drive real impact for your brand. Let’s review the essential dos and don’ts for creating newsworthy, shareworthy releases worth reading and publishing.


Research and Target Your Audience

Conduct extremely thorough research to identify the publications, journalists, and outlets that align with your industry or topic. Tailor your press release distribution list based on the interests and preferences of your target audience, ensuring maximum relevance.

Craft an Engaging and Newsworthy Press Release

Before distribution, ensure your press release is not only well-written but also newsworthy. Ensure that you avoid the use of clickbait inducing or hyperbolic language. Focus on the key elements, including a compelling and truthful headline, informative content, and a clear call-to-action. Journalists are more likely to pick up a story that is relevant and interesting to their readers.

Personalize Your Outreach

Personalization goes a long way in media relations. Address journalists by name, and tailor your email or outreach message to reflect your awareness of their previous work. Generic, mass-distributed press releases are often overlooked, while personalized outreach stands out.

Utilize Multimedia Elements

Enhance the visual appeal of your press release by incorporating multimedia elements such as images, videos, or infographics. Visual content not only makes your release more engaging but also increases the likelihood of media outlets using your materials in their coverage.

Provide Clear Contact Information

Ensure that your press release includes clear and accurate contact information. Journalists may need additional details or clarification, and an easily accessible contact person increases the likelihood of your press release being picked up.

Follow Up Strategically

After sending out your press release, follow up strategically. Give journalists some time to review the information, and then send a polite follow-up email to gauge their interest or offer additional details. Timing and persistence are key.

Leverage Online Distribution Platforms

Explore reputable online distribution platforms to amplify the reach of your press release. Platforms like PR Newswire, Business Wire, or Marketwired can extend your release’s visibility to a broader audience, including journalists, bloggers, and industry influencers.


Overlook Proofreading

A press release with typos or grammatical errors reflects poorly on your professionalism. Thoroughly proofread your release before distribution to ensure accuracy and maintain a polished image.

Rely Solely on Email

While email is a primary channel for press release distribution, don’t rely solely on it. Utilize a multichannel approach, including social media, online platforms, and direct outreach to journalists to diversify your distribution strategy.

Send Mass, Un-personalized Emails

Avoid the temptation to send mass, un-personalized emails to a generic list of contacts. Journalists can quickly identify generic pitches, and such emails are more likely to be ignored. Take the time to personalize your outreach for better results.

Neglect the Timing

Timing is critical in the world of media. Consider the news cycle and industry-specific events when planning the distribution of your press release. Avoid major holidays or competing events that may overshadow your announcement.

Forget to Follow Up

While follow-up is a “do,” hounding journalists excessively is a “don’t.” Strike a balance between persistence and respect for journalists’ time. Excessive follow-up emails can be perceived as intrusive and may lead to negative impressions.

Neglect Analytics and Evaluation

Don’t overlook the importance of analytics and evaluation after your press release has been distributed. Monitor the performance of your release, track media coverage, and evaluate the impact. Use this data to refine your approach for future releases.

Underestimate the Power of Relationships

Building relationships with journalists is an ongoing process. Don’t underestimate the power of cultivating meaningful connections. Engage with journalists through social media, attend industry events, and foster relationships that extend beyond a single press release.

In conclusion, mastering the dos and don’ts of press release distribution requires a strategic and thoughtful approach. You can carefully optimize your press release distribution for maximum impact in the media landscape by acquiring the services of AdHang where our industry contacts and expertise enable quick, and relevant press releases. But in keeping with our brand, we always ensure a personalised touch for all our customers. Get in touch today and see what we can do for you.