website maintenance company in Nigeria

Website Maintenance Company in Nigeria (AdHang) will help your firm to regularly check your website for issues, technicalities, and mistakes. Then fix and keep all the website systems updated and relevant to the purpose of your company.

As the No. 1 website Maintenance Company in Nigeria, AdHang has the expertise, web management tools, and years of website maintenance experience in Nigeria, therefore, knows the actual maintenance pace that will keep your website running smoothly in Nigeria.

Why Do You Need This Website Maintenance In Nigeria?

  • To keep your website healthy
  •  Encourage continued traffic growth
  •  Maintain good user-experience
  • Have your website design in Nigeria up-to-date
  • Strengthen your SEO and Google rankings in Nigeria

Website Maintenance Services in Nigeria from AdHang – The Benefits of Hiring Professionals

  1. Stress and headache-free website maintenance in Nigeria.
  2. Allow you to focus on your business while experts do the maintenance works.
  3. Accurately fixing website errors.
  4. Knowing the right version of any plug-in or modification to update.
  5. Doing a website upgrade in the right way and time.
  6. Ensuring the website is running smoothly 247.
website maintenance services in Nigeria

In Website Maintenance in Nigeria, the Works that can be done

In maintaining a website in Nigeria, AdHang has many things it can do for your company, depending on the need, these include but not limited to the following

  • Meticulously reviewing, diagnosing and testing the entire website regularly, mostly after any update
  • Test your website links, forms/checkout process regularly, mostly after any update
  • Review your KPIs, SEO and website speed monthly
  • Update outdated plugins or modifications on the website
  • Check security updates, modifications and bug fixes weekly or anytime patches are released
  • Remind you on time and ensure your domain name is renewed ahead of expiring date
  • Reduce website size and speed up loading time
  • Backup and check website backups weekly
  • Test browser compatibility as browsers update their technologies to ensure consistency
  • Remove or add pages on the website as required
  • Update dates and copyright notices
  • Review all the contact information as needed – office address, email address, social media, phone number, fax, etc
  • Search, review and update legal disclaimers as needed
  • Search and remove website demos, dummy texts or any default things that causes a problem to website
  • Monitor the website hosting system, correct, adjust or make recommendations where needed

How To Get Started With Website Maintenance in Nigeria

To get started with your website maintenance in Nigeria, below are two options:

  1. List things you want on your website maintenance and you will be given a quote.
  2. Check the standard website management cost in Nigeria by clicking here.
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With over a decade of experience in building and redesigning websites in Nigeria, AdHang offers the best website maintenance services in Nigeria.