AdHang is an Abuja SEO service provider dedicated to offer you in Abuja the best SEO results you need to gain top online visibility. AdHang using 15 + years of experience in search engine optimization can help your business to rank No.1 in search engines in Abuja such as on Google, Yahoo, and Bing.AdHang’s SEO in Abuja involves conducting a thorough investigation to find out everything there is to know about your target audience, website, product/service and how it can utilize your website to rank on top of the search engine, drive traffic and turn your visitors into paying customers. By listening to you and determining your Abuja SEO business needs, AdHang will put together a successful search engine optimization strategy that will help you accomplish your goals and change the way you do business online.What AdHang’s SEO in Abuja entailsAuditing Your Website for Abuja SEOTo rank your website/page on top of pages in Abuja requires auditing your website; the first steps in auditing a website for SEO in Abuja is to learn your current ranking in the federal capital, review your website’s analytics, and determine the keywords and phrases that will set you apart and rank your website at the top of Google in Abuja.Crawling and Indexing TestingAll Search Engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing have automated robots called crawlers that use links to go around the Internet, find web pages, and decipher page data to be included in search engine results, and position them according to their relevance in users’ queries. So, AdHang’s SEO experts will diagnose, test, check, verify and ensure that your website is crawlable and indexable, if any error is found, fix it to accelerate search engines fetching all your pages and contents, which will ensure your website/page moves up in search engines in Abuja.Abuja SEO Ranking StrategyIn ranking a website/page in Abuja, each search engine has different ranking factors, as a result, requires different search engine optimization strategies: keywords, content, links (both internal and external links), and technical SEO, etc. However, keywords focus, linking and content are the most important factors that search engines look for, and AdHang’s Abuja SEO experts understand in and out of these ranking factors and can further incorporate more necessary ranking strategies to rank your website on top of the search engine in Abuja.Why AdHang’s SEO Services in AbujaUntil a good Abuja SEO is performed, your website cannot rank at the top of search engines, can even be removed or banned from a search engine, these are why you need Abuja SEO experts from AdHang to work on your site and put it on the top of Google, Yahoo, and Bing for those searching from Abuja. AdHang’s Abuja SEO experts will position your website to be in the highest demand within your market and incorporate relevant keywords into the content/page on your website and external sources linking to your site/page. All of your website’s optimizations will naturally show a collection of links; search engines use link analysis algorithms that look at the sources, number, and anchor texts of links to help determine their relevance in search queries, and AdHang team has everything in place to make your search ranking perfectly and be No. 1 in Abuja.The SEO costs in AbujaAdHang’s Abuja SEO comes in two packages: there are one-off SEO, the price is N150, 000 (maximum of two pages and 10 keywords/phrases), and monthly SEO, the price is N390, 000 (maximum of 6 pages and 30 keywords/phrases).SEO Case StudyCompany Name: AtlasItalia Nigeria LTDHow AdHang Helped Atlas to Dominate Search Engines for All Important Keywords in its Industry in NigeriaView Case StudySEO Frequent Asked QuestionsI don’t understand the SEO pricing, how much will it take for my business name/website to show up when people are searching for what I am doing?The first package N150, 000, AdHang will optimize 2 pages on your website, and up to 10 keywords. Let us assume you are into SEO consultancy in Abuja, your keywords would look like these: 1. SEO consultant in Abuja, 2. SEO agency in Abuja, 3. SEO consultancy services in Abuja, 4. search engine marketing company in Abuja, 5. SEO services in Abuja, 6. SEM solutions in Abuja, 7. SEO agencies in Abuja, 8. SEO solution in FCT Abuja, 9. Abuja SEO experts, 10. SEO marketers in Abuja.The second package N390, 000, AdHang will optimize 6 pages and up to 30 keywords, like the above.But how many months will it take for my business name/website to show up on those words when customers use search engines?There is no one answer to this, It can take 3 months to just 2 days, or a week, depending on many factors such as your budget, competitors’ activity, your type of website, age of your website, etc. AdHang guarantees that you will show up at the first pages on search engines on the ten or thirty keywords depending on the package you select.I want to know how many months it will take my business to show up in the No. 1 position for those words because I want to know what it will cost me in total.With over a decade of experience in SEO services. It will take an average of 45 to 60 days. Remember it can be lesser, depending on the other factors.For any question or to get started with the Abuja SEO, use the form below to reach AdHang. 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Nigeria Federal Capital Top SEO Services For 15+ YearsWhy Choose AdHang as your local SEO company in AbujaBecause of the dynamic nature of SEO and amount of expertise requires to outrank competitors who might already know what they are doing; you need Abuja Local SEO strategists who can help, not only listen to your objective, have the SEO expertise, the tools, and technical know-how to keep your website at the top of search engines, drive traffics and get the greatest ROI. Not all SEO Companies in Abuja get this right.Listed below are more 8 reasons to choose AdHang for your SEO solution in Abuja:Over 15 years of SEO experienceMultiple Abuja SEO professionalsFollowing Search Engines Terms of ServicesTop Ranking on Search Engines in AbujaFull Content MarketingBarnacle SEO in AbujaBeating Competitors in AbujaProfessional Promotion of Your Brand in Abuja